Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Other Names
Present Address
How long at this location?
Home Telephone Number
Cell Number
Previous Address
How long at this location?
Position Applied for?
Dates you are available to start
Spiritual Qualifications Please briefly describe when you trusted Christ as your Savior.
How long have you attended Marlbrook Baptist Church?
Please provide the following information for the most recent church that you have regularly attended: Name
Telephone Number
Senior Pastor
Dates Attended
Reasons for Leaving
Educational Qualifications Academic achievements (schools attended, degrees earned, dates of completion):
Professional organizations, memberships, and licenses (including CDL licensing): Name
Date Received
License Number
Date Completed
Date Completed
Previous Work Experience Please provide the following information for your current employer: Name of Employer
Telephone Number
Dates of Service
References Please list three individuals to whom you are not related to by blood or marriage and who have known you for at least five years: Name
Home Telephone Number
Cell Number
Relationship to Reference
Home Telephone Number
Cell Number
Relationship to Reference
Home Telephone Number
Cell Number
Relationship to Reference
I hereby certify that the information I have provided on this application is true and complete. I authorize the Ministry to verify the information I have provided on this application by contacting the references, churches, and employers I have listed, or by other means, including contacting others whom I have not listed. I authorize the references and employers listed in this application to give the Ministry whatever information they may have regarding my character and fitness for the job for which I have applied. Furthermore, I waive any rights I may have to confidentiality regarding the information that is obtained. In consideration of the receipt and evaluation of this application by the Ministry, I HEREBY RELEASE any individual, church, youth organization, charity, employer, reference, or any other person or organization, including record custodians, both collectively and individually, from any and all past, present, future, known and unknown liability for damages of compliance or any attempts to comply, with this authorization. I ALSO AGREE that any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the activities anticipated by this form shall be settled by binding Christian arbitration conducted by the National Center for Life and Liberty or another Christian arbitrator, and judgment on the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Should my application be accepted, I agree to abide by and be bound by the Ministry’s policies and procedures, code of conduct, and statement of faith. I have read this waiver and release and the entire application, and I am fully aware of its contents. I sign this consent freely and under no duress or coercion. I understand that any omission from or misinformation in the application may result in the rejection of my application or my dismissal from service if I have already been given a position. (Enter your electronic signature below by typing your name) Signature of Applicant