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Christmas Cantata

Marlbrook Baptist Church 6926 N Lee Hwy, Raphine, VA, United States

MBC Choir presents from Christmas to Calvary, A Christmas Cantata reminding us of the real reason for Christmas.Marlbrook Baptist AuditoriumSunday Evening December 8 @6:00pmFree Admission, everyone is invited. Come and bring a friend. Free Bag of Christmas Candy for everyone who attends!

Live Nativity

Raphine Volunteer Fire Department Fairgrounds

Live NativityRaphine Volunteer Fire Department Fairgrounds December 13 and 147:00pm each nightFree Admission, everyone is invitedFree Hot Apple Cider and CookiesListen in person or in your car

Evening of Caroling

Marlbrook Baptist Church 6926 N Lee Hwy, Raphine, VA, United States

Christmas CarolingMeeting at Marlbrook Fellowship HallSunday Evening December 15Vans leaving church at 5:00pmCome prepared to be a blessing

Christmas Dinner

Marlbrook Baptist Church 6926 N Lee Hwy, Raphine, VA, United States

MBC Church Christmas DinnerMarlbrook Baptist Fellowship HallSunday December 22Following 11:00am worship service

Wild Game Dinner

Marlbrook Baptist Church 6926 N Lee Hwy, Raphine, VA, United States

Great Food! Awesome Door Prizes! Powerful Speakers! Everyone is Welcome - Fun for the Whole Family Free Admission - Free Gift for Everyone who Attends